How Real-time Data Benefits Manufacturers

manufacturing data

​Real-time data benefits manufacturers in many ways. If your business is running multiple ERP systems amongst business units or software that is not integrated, you are not getting a complete picture of business processes. Now, more than ever, we know that gaining real-time insight into your business processes is important to the success of your business.

Using integrated and automated real-time data from an ERP system gives everyone at the company an instant and unified view of the operations.  Here are a few areas where manufacturers can use ERP to make better, faster, more informed business decisions:

  • warehouse workersCost Analysis – When supply chains are long resulting in cost uncertainty, the cost of a job becomes more unpredictable.  In some industries, cost of raw materials can vary significantly month to month. If a manufacturer has access to accurate purchasing costs, both retrospective and prospective for raw materials and expected labor costs, a more accurate customer quote can be prepared.
  • Inventory Management – An ERP system records and shows inventory receipt, consumption, production, and shipment. Plus, it tells how much inventory is stored, where it is and what is being used in real time.
  • Quality & Compliance – Quality checks, recorded in an ERP system, can be verified at each stage of production, in detail, so that nothing is skipped over, and the quality remains consistent. Reports on these and other activities needed for compliance can be recorded and then audited when necessary.
  • Problem Solving – Easily available data makes for faster problem solving. This includes corporate business planning, inventory management, sales quoting, and shop floor management and scheduling.

Get a competitive advantage in a crowded and lean operating marketplace. Learn more about the advantages of real-time ERP data for manufacturers. Give Parallel Solutions a call at (440) 498-9920.


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